NEW: Open Energy APIs are now available here

Our Mission

We're taking the complexity out of Open Data
so Aussie businesses can tap in,
innovate and thrive.

Our vision

We think Open Data should be accessible and simple for any Australian business that wants a piece of the pie. That's why we do what we do, and keep chasing new innovations every day.

Our business

We've built several products that make it easy for businesses to reap the rewards of Open Data, and we continue to add key insights and hone our products.

Our culture

At Fiskil, collaboration's not just a buzzword. We constantly learn from each other inside and outside the office, whether that's at a company hackathon, or a Friday lunch.

Our people

We're a team with diverse skillsets and experience, but we all believe in simple UX, beautiful design, and products that make Open Banking easy and accessible.

Join the team

Become a member of the Fiskil team
and help us keep innovating.